GiveDirectly logo

Fundraising Platform of the Future

A nonprofit fundraising platform built with Vue.js, and guided by transparency and efficiency.

GiveDirectly cover

The company and product

GiveDirectly is the first and largest nonprofit that lets people donate directly to those most affected by poverty.

What’s remarkable about the platform is that the donors can send cash directly to recipients who can then choose for themselves how they want to spend that money. The approach of GiveDirectly is guided by transparency, efficiency, and respect for recipients.

So far, donors have sent over 300 million dollars directly into the hands of over 700,000 people in need. Their research finds that recipients use this cash in impactful and creative ways to better their lives.

Client’s feedback

GiveDirectly logo

Harris Roberts


Harris Roberts

A valued partnership

After a rigorous vetting process we chose Monterail as our implementation partner for our new donate experience. We were impressed by their detailed scoping and estimation process which ultimately led to the project being completed under budget. Monterail provided both high-quality engineering and project management throughout the project. We were particularly pleased by their focus on product reliability and enthusiasm in writing exhaustive automated tests. They have been a valued partner who we continue to work with both for product maintenance and new projects.

The Challenge

Increase conversion by creating user-friendly experience and simplify donation process.

The goal of the project was to increase the conversion rate by creating an easy, intuitive, mobile-friendly experience for donors interested in sending money directly to specific causes.

We needed to create a seamless user experience that would make it simple to make a donation from any device, using various payment methods including credit cards, checks, and cryptocurrencies.

Another goal was improving accessibility - the platform had to be accessible from mobile, tablet, and desktop devices, and all major browsers.

Key challenges of the project included:

  • Improving data reliability and centralizing data collection for offline sources.

  • Enabling donations using a range of payment methods.

GiveDirectly App Screenshots

  • GiveDirectly app screenshot
  • GiveDirectly app screenshot
  • GiveDirectly app screenshot

The Process

Vue.js to the rescue

To achieve the project goals quickly and effectively, we chose Vue.js for frontend development as the client's engineering team was already familiar with Vue.

This is how we made it happen:

  • Making the donation experience seamless and easy, especially on mobile devices.

  • Improving the data collection process.

  • Simplifying additional payment methods, including using checks and stocks, making the option more visible to donors.

Team’s voice

Monterail logo

Anna Rakowiecka

Project Manager

Anna Rakowiecka

Agile approach and honorable cause

We were honoured to take part in the development of the GiveDirectly Web app. Our main goal was to deliver a new, much more performant app which allows users to send money directly to people affected by poverty. Thanks to close cooperation with the GiveDirectly team we could quickly adjust backlog and immediately start working on priorities. Agile approach helped us to inspect needs and adapt to deliver most valuable features first, while the rest of the tasks were implemented following the launch.

The Outcome

Helping others help

The collaboration yielded an intuitive and mobile-friendly interface that enables users to make a donation to the cause of their choice using their preferred device and payment method.

The application is fully functional and there are plans to expand the app further with new features and functionalities.

The success of this project hinged on the following factors:

  • The app offers donors an easy and secure way of sending funds to those in need via GiveDirectly campaigns.

  • The app is integrated with Salesforce for improved data collection and management.

  • It’s user-friendly, available for a range of devices, and provides multiple payment options.

GiveDirectly application screenshots
Contact us

I'm here to gather your requirements, answer all your questions, and push your idea into development as fast as possible.

Jan Solecki Inbound Team Lead

Get in touch