A Community-Focused Platform for NFT fans

Creating an ecosystem to support artists and bridge the gap between the digital and real-world.

The Company and Product

Premium “Collect-2-Earn” NFT platform

Our client is a premium “Collect-2-Earn” NFT platform that helps artists, celebrities, and brands enter the NFT space. Since their inception, they’ve expanded their network with new ways of bringing value to the NFT community. The range of their NFT-centered products includes unique drops of collectibles, a unique advertising billboard, and a community-focused platform. 

The Challenge

Dedicated websites for releasing limited collections of NFTs

The project included tackling the current challenges and limitations of the NFT market which was really fragmented. The client came to us with a multi-layered plan that started with creating dedicated websites for releasing limited collections of NFTs.

The new designs of the social application were ready. However, the client needed Vue.js experts to turn the showcase website into a highly interactive application. The roadmap included users’ wallets verification, joining various blockchain wallets, integration with outside systems for data indexing and implementing social features e.g. following, sharing, likes, and collecting points for activity. The key thing was also integrating with smart contracts to enable staking.

As the NFT market is basically a shark tank and changes extremely fast, we needed to act quickly and stay highly flexible.

Key challenges of the project included:

  • Refactoring and changing logic behind the NFT-curated billboard.

  • Using NFT as a certificate of property of Slot to allow owners to change its look.

  • Creating a highly interactive user portal with a staking mechanism. 

Key challenges

Refactoring and changing logic behind the NFT-curated billboard
Using NFT as a certificate of property of Slot to allow owners to change its look
Creating a highly interactive user portal with staking mechanism
Refactoring and changing logic behind the NFT-curated billboard
Using NFT as a certificate of property of Slot to allow owners to change its look
Creating a highly interactive user portal with staking mechanism

The Process

New features almost every week

We started the cooperation with a thorough understanding of the business model and most important aspects of Web3 development. In order to quickly gain an edge on the NFT market, the features were released almost every week.

The ad board was rewritten to Vue.js and received a Node.js logic on the backend. To increase the visibility of the app in Google search results, we used the Nuxt.js framework. A fast and stable hosting of displayed images was possible due to AWS S3 Bucket service. In order to reduce high costs of exchanging NFT-signed images, we decided to leave this process off-chain.

After refreshing designs of the user platform, key functionalities were implemented: creating accounts, joining various blockchain wallets, gaining points for social activity, and staking. The team of three experienced developers worked hand in hand with the client including daily meetings and knowledge-sharing sessions.

The success of this project hinged on the following factors:

  • Huge engagement and flexibility of the passionate quick-learners in the team.

  • Leveraging Vue.js expertise and Nuxt.js power for refactoring.

  • Fast development of key business features that helped the client stand out.

NFT Platform application screenshot

Team’s voice

Monterail logo

Katarzyna Kimel

Project Manager

Katarzyna Kimel

Close cooperation

Close cooperation between the development team and the client’s decision-makers was crucial while working in such dynamic business conditions. Frequent calls and direct communication hugely impacted the overall outcome. It was amazing to see developers and the client just get along with each other.

The Outcome

The first NFT curated billboard and community-focused platform for fans

During our 5-month long cooperation, the client received four products: two dedicated websites for unique NFT drops, the first NFT curated billboard and community-focused platform for fans.

With the billboard placed in iconic spots like Times Square in New York, Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam, and Manchester, the client managed to bridge the gap between offline advertising and the online world of blockchain. The first batches of these advertising spaces sold out within under 2 hours.

The user platform became a highly interactive user portal allowing users to gather all their NFTs in a single space, displaying and curating them without needing to be a crypto expert. The Collector Points and staking mechanisms, which are in the beta phase [as of May 2022] make it attractive for NFT fans to join the platform, interact with others and generate yield.

The product roadmap for 2022 is filled with more milestones. The next innovative feature concerns entering the metaverse with their own digital museum connected to their NFT collection in virtual reality.

The success of this project hinged on the following factors

  1. Huge engagement and flexibility of the passionate quick-learners in the team.

  2. Leveraging Vue.js expertise and Nuxt.js power for refactoring.

  3. Fast development of key business features that helped the client stand out from other NFT-focused platforms.

Scope and Highlights










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Jan Solecki Inbound Team Lead

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